Have you read Christine Comaford-Lynch’s new book, Rules for Renegades yet? It’s a fast-paced, entertaining review of her life, and lessons she learned (often the hard way). Ever wonder what Bill Gates’ bedroom looks like? Curious about how this prolific, business-building multimillionaire sees herself, and the world around her? It’s definitely worth the read for its entertainment value alone. The bonus is getting really useful insight from someone who’s been there and done it all.
She has a terrific offer on her website right now for 5,000 free copies of her book (you pay postage). So, for $7.95 you get a $25.00 book, useful insights, and an entertaining look at the dot coms and the dot com barons of the 80’s and 90’s.
If you haven't visited http://www.mightyventures.com/, and you are, or are interested in being, an entrepreneur, a solo-preneur, or just want to see what Bill G. thinks of her, it's worth a gander.
Facing up to strange thrift
10 years ago