Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mommy Blogger Carnival Continues

The "best of" mommy carnival highlights the best posts from the mommy blogger community from the past month. So grab a coffee, sit back and have a read... (it's better than TV).

AModernMother shares the frustration of pushing a recalcitrant shopping cart

ThamesValleyMums is an evolved woman who parties together with her current husband and her ex-husband!

Sharon at expatsguide gives great advice and brings community to mums all over the world.

There's more to come as more mums continue blogging and posting!

Blogger mums, send your posts to suzanne [at] wise willow [dot] org until Apri first.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Rules For Renegades

Have you read Christine Comaford-Lynch’s new book, Rules for Renegades yet? It’s a fast-paced, entertaining review of her life, and lessons she learned (often the hard way). Ever wonder what Bill Gates’ bedroom looks like? Curious about how this prolific, business-building multimillionaire sees herself, and the world around her? It’s definitely worth the read for its entertainment value alone. The bonus is getting really useful insight from someone who’s been there and done it all.

She has a terrific offer on her website right now for 5,000 free copies of her book (you pay postage). So, for $7.95 you get a $25.00 book, useful insights, and an entertaining look at the dot coms and the dot com barons of the 80’s and 90’s.

If you haven't visited, and you are, or are interested in being, an entrepreneur, a solo-preneur, or just want to see what Bill G. thinks of her, it's worth a gander.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Media Tips for Authors: How to Get Free Publicity for Your Book

Got a book? Yes? Got a huge PR budget and staff of 12 to promote it? I thought not.

Want a concise, easy to follow, 20-page book that tells you what you can do to get your book free press? Whitney Keyes has it. You can have it. Why is it important?

Because Whitney tells you how the power of the press can increase your book's visibility and boost your book sales. Find out how to think like a reporter and approach your book's newsworthiness in a format that appeals to newspeople. Plus, the resource guide at the back is a fantastic collection of must-reads for anyone interested in working with the media.

When I have a book to sell, this will absolutely be in my packet of daily references. Every client of mine for whom this is relevant is going to get a copy. This little book is a terrific starting place, and continuing reference, for anyone who wants to promote a book without a budget.

Thanks, Whitney!